The Complete Solution for Connecting Devices to the Internet


The internet of things or Industrial internet is a concept that aims to extend the benefits of the regular internet – constant connectivity, remote control ability, data sharing, and so on- to goods in the physical world. Assets like any machine, water tanks, refrigerators, trucks with perishable cargo and so on: All would be tied to our cloud platform through embedded sensors that are always on.

The Internet of Things is a connected environment of capabilities and services, enabling interaction of physical objects and their software representations, based on supporting technologies such as sensors and controllers.

Our new generation device integrates advanced hardware, software, WIFI and cloud services to provide you with real-time information about your business.


Our platform design can accommodate thousands of devices, with the ability to update code instantly over the internet, giving you the flexibility and power to make changes whenever you see fit.


Over the air software updates to devices deployed everywhere.

Every device has an agent that is server side code running in cloud servers that deals with internet requests and responses on behalf of our device. This is used to mediate communication between the device and the internet, like posting to a SQL database through a web service or accessing any API on the internet and make that information available to/from the device.I.

Our devices can monitor temperature, humidity, presence, level, flow, acceleration, movement, etc. and can control actuators, switches, motors and so on.

Information from devices is stored in the cloud in real time.

Our devices can connect to machines and make them intelligent, but also can connect to things like doors, safe-deposit boxes, cars, etc to acquire information that might be relevant to a business process or policy.

From our mobile/desktop client you can see or control your devices

Our solution stack:

Design of device with sensors

Device software

Mobile app to provision devices

Cloud platform, where all the data resides.

Software (Dashboard) that can be viewed from mobile to desktop clients to see information of value from your connected devices.

Development of connectors from our backend to client operations software.

Benefits of connecting devices to the internet:

Cost savings: costs can be reduced through improved asset utilization, process efficiencies and productivity.

Real time insights: comes from having improved tracking of connected assets (machinery, equipment, tools, things, etc).

Efficient processes: Organizations can use real-time operational insights to make smarter business decisions and reduce operating costs.

Improved productivity: Having real time information from assets makes the surrounding human processes more productive.

Repetitive tasks are better suited to machines rather than to humans.

Machines or things can report sensor data, system status and communicate among each other.

All this information is stored in the cloud and is used for analysis like predictive maintenance.

Assets can communicate and protect themselves.

Machines will no longer be limited by their local intelligence, because now it resides in the cloud and it can be changed remotely.

Examples of connected things we have done:

Water level alarm on animal farms:

When our device connected to a water tank detects low level, it sends a SMS “Low water level at x tank” to a group of people to let them know, if no one responds after a certain time with (1 send) which means "I´m on it", the device scales the situation sending another SMS to another group of people. The device has a battery backup, and it can also detect when power is out and sends that information to our client. With this solution the client ensures that the animals will never run out of water again.

Connected door:

In this scenario we have a client that has many branches and wants to know if a branch opens late, so we connected the entrance doors with our devices and send the information if a branch opens late.

Delivery trucks with perishable cargo:

In this project we needed to ensure that the goods transported hold a minimum temperature, so we fitted the delivery trucks with our device with a temperature sensor, when the delivery truck leaves the warehouse the device logs the temperatures, when the truck arrives at the first branch, the device connects to WIFI and sends the temperatures of the trip and the location where it has arrived, time of download and time of departure and so on with the next branch.
With this solution our client has certainty that the temperature of the goods was held correctly, or otherwise will detect in minutes a truck with a defective air conditioner.

Refrigerators in convenience stores:

This is a continuation of the delivery truck project, we have a device sensing temperature at the convenience store refrigerators, when a threshold is reached, the device alerts the central office of the situation as it happens, preventing the problem to be discovered later or having food exposed to higher temperatures.

Just for fun:

We have some RGB (Color) lights that are connected to one of our devices where you can change the color at from everywhere, if you are not in Hermosillo, sorry because you will not be able to see the color change, also, every day the device also turn the lights on 10 minutes after sunset.

Our office door is connected and so is my car, we now at what time someone arrives or leaves our office and if my car is at my house or at the office.

We have other projects that we can not talk about because of confidentiality agreements.